Royal Visit: Let’s Discuss What an Aussie Republic Really Means

The Australian Republic Movement has acknowledged today’s announcement that planning is underway for the royal visit later this year.

National Director and CEO Isaac Jeffrey said: “We welcome news this morning that planning is underway for Charles and Camilla’s visit to Australia. We wished the King well following his recent diagnosis and we’re glad to see it looks like he’ll be able to make the trip down under.

“It’s been 13 years since a sitting Head of State – our Head of State – has visited Australia. That’s over a decade since the King or Queen of Australia has ventured down here. They’re busy advocating for the United Kingdom and their own people. We need our own local Head of State to do the same for us – stand up for Australia and promote our interests on the world stage.

“I’ve written to the King and asked for a meeting when he visits. I want to let him know what Aussies are telling us about a future Aussie republic and I think he’ll be surprised. Aussies don’t want to walk away from the Commonwealth – like 41 of 56 other nations in the Commonwealth – they just want our own Head of State. They don’t want to change our relationship with the Brits – they want to keep AUKUS and our economic alliances and where possible to make them stronger. And they certainly don’t want the Brits or the Royal family thinking it’s some slight on them – we’ll still be friends and the fiercest of sporting rivals, including at the Commonwealth Games.

“Aussies just want an Aussie, elected by Aussies and accountable to Aussies to be our Aussie Head of State. They want someone who can represent us proudly at home and abroad, and work for us full-time with undivided loyalty. They don’t want a US-style executive president, they want someone with limited defined powers, while the Prime Minister keeps the day-to-day administration and law-making role as Head of Government.

“Over the weekend we celebrated 38 years since the signing of the Australia Act which severed almost all the remaining legal ties to the United Kingdom. Since then we’ve shown we’re capable of running our own show and driving Australia forward into a diverse and prosperous nation. The royals haven’t visited for 13 years, because they know we don’t need them – so let’s make it official by becoming a republic.

“When Charles and Camilla visit, they’ll see the vibrant, multicultural, independent nation Australia has become, one ready to start the next chapter in our story through an Aussie republic. And the visit will give Australians the opportunity to reflect on the role of Head of State, our independence and our place in the world.

“Our support is growing and I ask all Aussies who want to help strengthen our democracy to join and contribute to ARM today.”

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